Our Progress Report - 2021 til date

We had a down time in 2020 but from 2021 we continue to evolve as a company. We are now spending quite a bit of time, researching, building/developing Artificial Intelligence Deep Machine Learning Neural Networks (AIML) & Software modules to effectively automate/solve a variety of business problems for our clients and ourselves.

From 2021 till date, we have built/designed several digital products as follows:

  • Automation Software Application to carry out Auto Inspection, Detecting and Tracking/Reporting of Compliant, Non-compliant, Defective or Objects using AI/ML – Intellispector.
  • Project Management Software built for one of the largest Oil & Gas companies in the world. It is similar to Zoho but customised for the Oil & Gas specific sector. It customised to use AI/ML to Pre-empt/Predict risk, Issues, Time, Cost & Quality indicators very early in a project.
  • Drone Artificial Intelligence Inspection/Tracking & Detecting Software Application - Non 3D/3D Imaging of both underground & overground pipeline with instant compliance, noncompliance or defect information sent as a Notification to your mobile phone also powered by AI/ML – Please inquire within for more information.
  • Automation Software Application that imports data from spreadsheets into a customised database application in an instant, then secures the data from ransomware or cybersecurity attacks, accidental deletion, or transformation - Excelitte.
  • Automation/AIML tool that pro-actively analyses, seeks out & pre-emptively identifies intended cybersecurity attacks before they even happen or as it is getting conceived - Excelitte.AI.
Also, from 2021 till date we have also provided Technical Project Management, DevOps, Automation, Technical Delivery Management Advisory IT Consultancy Services to assist with:
  • Building and implementing the Entitlements Calculation Engine (ECE) Centrelink (Services Australia) to be used to make different manner of payments to 25 million Australian’s, total value of the Project/Program was $300 million
  • Building and implementing the Enterprise API Integration Gateway and MDM platforms for ART - $230 Billion Managed Pension Fund.
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